Ingdijupuk blasting peralatanmekanisme sing wis dideleng sadurunge, obyek panliten minangka prinsip kerja lan struktur peralatan mesin blasting shot, pangopènan saben dinane lan poin-poin utama liyane, saengga sistem siklus pendinginan mesin blasting shot bakal luwih apik lan kanggo panelitian sing tliti, editor ing ngisor iki bakal masang paramèter peralatan.
Data parameter umum mesin blasting shot:
Kekandelan pelat baja 600 ~ 1200mm, jeblugan shot asli yaiku 3400KG, jumlah piranti blasting shot udakara 7 ~ 13, kecepetan piranti blasting shot yaiku 1500 ~ 2500 révolusi, lan daya output sakadijupuk blasting peralatanyaiku 90 / KW.
1.Thedijupuk mesin blastingbakal ngasilake gaya sentrifugal lan kekuwatan ngelawan nalika muter kanthi kecepatan dhuwur. Mung kanthi cara iki bisa nyepetake kacepetan blasting menyang negara, sing nggampangake pembentukan aliran udara ing sangisore rotasi kanthi kecepatan dhuwur, saengga permukaan benda kerja logam bisa entuk lapisan resistensi oksidasi.
2.When the dijupuk blasting peralatanthrows the metal material layer, it is to clean up the rusty iron and oxide layer on the surface of the workpiece. It will enter the transportation room through the bottom of the dijupuk blasting peralatanfor lifting, and the lifter will automatically send the shot material after it is separated. In the recycling system of the dijupuk mesin blasting, waste is recycled to reduce labor costs.
3.Because the dijupuk mesin blasting adopts a fully enclosed mode, the workpiece dijupuk mesin blasting produces a strong impact effect during high-speed operation, and will be worn to a certain extent by the outside of the dijupuk mesin blasting itself, so the equipment will be equipped with a cleaning room inside. The dust and debris left behind during the dijupuk mesin blasting are well treated.